Call for papers: Advances in Spatial and Transport Network Analysis

We have a new call for papers for a special issue on “Advances in Spatial and Transport Network Analysis”, to be published in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. This special issue is edited by Henrikki Tenkanen (Aalto University), Elsa Arcaute (UCL), Marta Gonzalez (Berkeley) and myself.

This cfp comes as a great opportunity to create a dialogue between network and social scientists, transport geographers, engineers etc working on transport and mobility networks. This dialogue raises new challenges, though, as discussed in this thoughtful recent paper by Tim Schwanen.

Here is a short snippet of the cfp:

This special issue is dedicated to papers focusing on recent advances in the development of new measures and methodologies to evaluate and analyze the performance of transportation networks. These measures might include, but are not limited to, environmental costs or exposures (e.g., CO2, noise, pollution); monetary costs (the price of access), complexity; and resilience of multimodal transportation networks or focus on qualitative aspects of travel, where travel might be seen as a “gain” instead of cost (such as exposure to aesthetic or green environments). Methodologically, we welcome papers using novel ways to measure transport network connectivity, performance and accessibility, including recent advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Special attention will be given to papers studying transport related questions with interdisciplinary approaches, bridging fields such as network science, transport geography, urban and regional planning, economics, history and environmental studies

ps. Some of you will remember we initially started organizing this special issue to be published in the International Journal of Geo-Information, edited by MDPI. Along the way, we noticed how the way MDPI was handling the review process and the growing reputation of MDPI as predatory publisher could harm the quality of the special issue. This has led us to withdraw move our special issue to a another journal, and we are now very glad to reopen our cfp on Environment and Planning B.

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